Uitvaartcentrum De Sporen

09 345 02 05


Jacobs Christine Laurette


Jacobs Christine Laurette

Geboren te Wetteren op 03 mei 1955
Overleden te Oostakker op 14 januari 2025


maandag 20 januari 2025 om 09:00
Crematorium van Lochristi
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi


maandag 20 januari 2025 om
Begraafplaats van Lochristi (Crematorium)
60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi

    [publication] => 1
    [photo] => /doc/user/67876797c420b/photo/photo_crop.jpg?1737274102
    [id] => 580
    [pompes_funebres_id] => 1
    [statut] => 3
    [nom] => Jacobs
    [prenom] => Christine Laurette
    [surnom] => 
    [nom_complet] => Jacobs Christine Laurette
    [nom_de_jeune_fille] => 
    [genre] => F
    [civilite_formate] => Mevrouw
    [civilite] => madame
    [etat_civil] => Array
            [civilite] => monsieur
            [civilite_formate] => De heer
            [nom_complet] => De heer D'hauwe Yvan
            [nom] => D'Hauwe
            [prenom] => Yvan
            [surnom] => 
            [statut] => marie
            [etat_civil_formate] => echtgenote van  De heer D'hauwe Yvan

    [etat_civil_list] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [civilite] => monsieur
                    [civilite_formate] => De heer
                    [nom_complet] => De heer D'hauwe Yvan
                    [noce] => 
                    [nom] => D'Hauwe
                    [surnom] => 
                    [prenom] => Yvan
                    [statut] => marie
                    [etat_civil_formate] => echtgenote van  De heer D'hauwe Yvan
                    [decede] => 


    [remarque] => 
    [remarque_html] => 
    [condoleances] => Array

    [avis_de_deces] => /doc/user/67876797c420b/annexes/RKDEF Jacobs Christine.pdf
    [strict_intimite] => 
    [date_limite_commande_fleur] => 2025-01-17 
    [naissance] => Array
            [date] => 1955-05-03
            [lieu] => Wetteren

    [deces] => Array
            [date] => 2025-01-14
            [heure] => 19:00
            [lieu] => Oostakker

    [lieu_de_repos] => 
    [lien_don] => 
    [visites] => 
    [reunions] => 
    [levee_du_corps] => 
    [type_funerailles] => cremation
    [funerailles] => Array
            [ceremonie] => Array
                    [lieu_type] => CRE
                    [lieu] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [lieu_ville] => Crematorium van Lochristi
                    [date] => 2025-01-20
                    [heure] => 09:00
                    [heure_condoleance] => 
                    [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi
                    [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) ) [cremation] => [inhumation] => Array ( [lieu] => Begraafplaats van Lochristi (Crematorium) [date] => 2025-01-20 [heure] => [adresse_inline] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse] => 60, Smalle Heerweg 9080 Lochristi [adresse_inline_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg - 9080 Lochristi [adresse_html] => 60, Smalle Heerweg
9080 Lochristi [coordonnees] => Array ( [longitude] => 3.810436616286 [latitude] => 51.095124368787 ) [details_adresse] => Array ( [numero] => 60 [rue] => Smalle Heerweg [code_postal] => 9080 [ville] => Lochristi [pays] => be ) [type] => ) ) [ajoute_le] => 2025-01-15 07:45 [modifie_le] => 2025-03-11 12:29 [livestream] => [livestream_url] => )

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